Sunday, 11 May 2014

Fresh Prince of Bel - Air: The Unscripted Scene

This is said to be the most heart-wrenching episode ever of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. What had made the episode so special was the ending of the episode where Will Smith lashes out his emotions on his father, which was found out to be unscripted and Truly Will Smith's Story. This is one of the few Fresh Prince episodes that tries very few jokes. It uses more of an emotional build-up. Throughout the episode, Will spends lots of time with his father, who is being pulled away from Uncle Phil by Lou.

At the end of the scene will goes to leave with his father over the summer, However to find out his father yet again is ready to abandon him. What the episode really does though is prove Will Smith's ability as an actor. The final scene where Will firstly attempts to show Lou that he isn't bothered about Lou leaving is beautifully subtle, and then the emotions start to rise. When Will discusses how he 'doesn't need' his father, Smith builds up the tears, and perfectly holds them back until his final line. It's a great emotional scene for any sit-com, and the fans who are truly devoted to the show can only weep with Will. James Avery doesn't say much in this scene, Uncle Phil's input has been made in previous scenes. All Avery does is build up tears too, and look helplessly at Will, who only admits the frustrations and anger at his selfish father.


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