Monday, 12 May 2014

Fresh Prince of Bel - Air: Just say Yo

Will is run down with work, school, and his girlfriend, and has trouble staying awake. He decides to take amphetamines to help him. Carlton asks will for Vitamin and Will accidentally gives him the drugs in his locker. Carlton ends up in the hospital as Will begins to feel guilty about what has happened.  A very hilarious first part to this episode that takes a dramatic turn in the second, thanks to a pimple and too many responsibilities.

Will learns a sobering lesson when he tries to juggle his job with his girlfriend along with school work. The trouble starts when a school friend offer him speed to stay awake which he keeps in his locker. During the prom, Carlton takes the drug pills from Will’s Locker, mistaking amphetamines for Vitamins and Winds up in hospital after some very embarrassing dancing. When he recovers, Carlton promises not to tell on will and will promises not to do it again and that he loves Carlton. But Will had guilt inside of him and confesses to Uncle Phil, who in return forces him to come clean to the rest of the family, where Will tearfully breaks down and vows never to do it again. A very moving ending scene involving the whole family that showed the extent of drug use.


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