Sunday, 1 June 2014


Hey guys, its been some time since anyone of us posted. Well we were preparing a special treat for you guys. We have made a video about the TV shows that we like as well as our favourite episodes. We also got a new member to participate in the blog. His name is Munaz Jamal and he also enjoys Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. So guys sit back, relax and enjoy our video.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Fresh Prince of Bel - Air: Just say Yo

Will is run down with work, school, and his girlfriend, and has trouble staying awake. He decides to take amphetamines to help him. Carlton asks will for Vitamin and Will accidentally gives him the drugs in his locker. Carlton ends up in the hospital as Will begins to feel guilty about what has happened.  A very hilarious first part to this episode that takes a dramatic turn in the second, thanks to a pimple and too many responsibilities.

Will learns a sobering lesson when he tries to juggle his job with his girlfriend along with school work. The trouble starts when a school friend offer him speed to stay awake which he keeps in his locker. During the prom, Carlton takes the drug pills from Will’s Locker, mistaking amphetamines for Vitamins and Winds up in hospital after some very embarrassing dancing. When he recovers, Carlton promises not to tell on will and will promises not to do it again and that he loves Carlton. But Will had guilt inside of him and confesses to Uncle Phil, who in return forces him to come clean to the rest of the family, where Will tearfully breaks down and vows never to do it again. A very moving ending scene involving the whole family that showed the extent of drug use.


Game of Thrones- The Laws of Gods and Men

Although this episode was a lot slower paced, it still provided with plenty of information that'll serve us a later date.
Yara greyjoy prepared her troops to rescue Theon greyjoy, only to realise that her brother is long lost and there is no hope of saving him.
But most of the episode was based on Tyrion's trial that takes place. A number of witnesses are called upon to prove Tyrion guilty. Jaime, in seeing that there is no hope of proving his brothers innocence strikes a deak with his father promising that if Tyrion is excused when found guilty and sent to the night watch, he will retire from the kings guard and leave for Casterly Rock to marry and carry out the Lannister  name there. However things take a turn for the worse when Shay is called upon as the next witness and the scorned woman confirms Tyrion's guilt by telling a lie that is only strengthened by the truth. She claims to have been there when Tyrion and Sansa discussed Geoffrey's death. Despite his love for Shay, Tyrion is angered and feels betrayed by Shay that he demands a trial by combat instead of the Biased trial he is being dealt.

Happy TV shows children.

Check out next weeks episode below:

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Fresh Prince of Bel - Air: Bullets over Bel - Air

This had been another priceless episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Like other episodes portraying certain dark issues,"Bullets Over Bel-Air" is another one of those episodes that holds you by your arms and legs and screams attention. At an ATM, Will and Carlton get mugged and Will is tragically shot, leaving the family praying for Wills well being.
  This episode proves that a comedy show isn't always about humor. Sometimes a lot of heart and emotion are needed to further strengthen elements of the show and this episode defines the friendship and brotherly love between Will and Carlton. The episode further involved a great compelling scene, as Will discovers Carlton's carrying a gun and knowing he's about to do something very stupid, orders him to give him the gun with tears flowing from his eyes. Carlton hesitantly tosses the gun on his hospital bed and storms out without another word.


Sunday, 11 May 2014

Fresh Prince of Bel - Air: Im Done

This is the final episode of the series, As members of the Banks family and Geoffrey prepare for their moves, Will tries to pretend that he also has big plans for moving forward. After admitting the truth, Will makes a decision to stay in California and finish school.It's been 6 years. 6 years of laughter, tears, teasing, trouble, and most importantly, growing up. Will Smith is a young man. Carlton is also a young man. Ashley is a young woman. Hilary was advancing through life as she got older, Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian are two parents that had finally done the job with Will and their Children.  

In the episode, we see Will looking for houses and failing whilst the Banks home is being bought by the Jefferson's, meaning Will has not choice but tell Phil that he has got no where to live and then Uncle Phil gets him an apartment. The episode comes to a close with Will and the family saying their goodbyes and agreeing to keep in contact regularly, Will and uncle Phil hug for the last time before they depart as Uncle Phil's last words to Will were "You will always be my son".


Fresh Prince of Bel - Air: The Unscripted Scene

This is said to be the most heart-wrenching episode ever of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. What had made the episode so special was the ending of the episode where Will Smith lashes out his emotions on his father, which was found out to be unscripted and Truly Will Smith's Story. This is one of the few Fresh Prince episodes that tries very few jokes. It uses more of an emotional build-up. Throughout the episode, Will spends lots of time with his father, who is being pulled away from Uncle Phil by Lou.

At the end of the scene will goes to leave with his father over the summer, However to find out his father yet again is ready to abandon him. What the episode really does though is prove Will Smith's ability as an actor. The final scene where Will firstly attempts to show Lou that he isn't bothered about Lou leaving is beautifully subtle, and then the emotions start to rise. When Will discusses how he 'doesn't need' his father, Smith builds up the tears, and perfectly holds them back until his final line. It's a great emotional scene for any sit-com, and the fans who are truly devoted to the show can only weep with Will. James Avery doesn't say much in this scene, Uncle Phil's input has been made in previous scenes. All Avery does is build up tears too, and look helplessly at Will, who only admits the frustrations and anger at his selfish father.


Saturday, 10 May 2014

Arrow Season 1 vs Season 2

Now that we have come to the end of the second season of Arrow, I think it is a good time to compare it to the first season.

The first season had a lot of potential, however, it lacked good villains. I know what you guys are saying "Oh but they are setting the plot". True but the lack of good villains resulted in decent but not great story telling. In the second season, the villains are really good. We have Slade as Deathstroke, assassins from the league of Assassins and Clock King just to name a few. The addition of these villains raised the stakes of th eshow and put everyone's life at risk which is what the viewers want to see.

Another thing that the second season does better than its predecessor is character development. In this season, we see Laurel's downward spiral into a drunk and than rising up to her feet, a stronger person. Oliver also changes as he has to face tougher opponents as well as take care of his family and everyone he loves. He also has to overcome the fact that Slade is after him for events that occurred 5 years ago.

Another genius thing that season 2 of Arrow did was the introduction of the character Sara or Black Canaary. Sara has charm, character and is enjoyable on screen. This is surprising has in season 1, Arrow did not handle secondary characters that well. Another character that has improved a lot is Felicity. While just a computer geek in the first season, she acts as Oliver's moral compass in season 2. She helps Oliver stay on the right path and helps Oliver get through tough situations by stating that it isn't his fault.

All in all, season 2 of Arrow was a far superior show as compared to the first season with better characters, more development and finally better villains.

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Friday, 9 May 2014

Arrow Season 2 Episode 22: Streets of Fire

This week's episode of Arrow set the tone for the finale next week. This week's episode answered many of the questions and had many returning characters. One of them was Sarah. Sarah return was very welcome as she is one of the characters that has added a lot of character to the show. Sarah saves Laurel from a  mirakuru injected solider an Laurel reveals that she knows that Sarah is the black Canary. However, Sarah is depressed that she is an assassin and can never change as she is a demon. Laurel says that she can change and that she is actually a hero in her eyes. We see the change as Sarah saves a child from a burning building and is called a hero by the child's mother.

Meanwhile, detective Lance finally regains his badge and gets the police involved with the Arrow in order to save the city from utter destruction. What is more, detective Lance is finally able to meet his daughters who are not fighting with each other for once. Additionally, this season sees the return of Season 1 villain Malcolm Merlyn who saves Thea from a thug, however, Thea states that she doesn't need his help and that he has nothing to offer. Eventually, she releases her anger and shoots Malcolm. Probably not the reunion, Malcolm was expecting with his daughter.

After standout performance was Felicity. Oliver was again thinking was surrendering and throwing in the towel claiming that everything that is happening is his fault and that he has failed the city. Felicity gets angry with Oliver and states that if he was not there, countless villains would be roaming the city and that he always finds a way to overcome his enemies.

After last week's warning to Sebastian, we could sense that he was going to be betrayed by Slade and that is exactly what happened. Sebastian learnt the hard way that he was just a pawn in Slade plan and that he was no longer needed and could be disposed of. Sebastian does have some redemption as he steals the mirakuru cure from Slade and gives it to Oliver and gives him a way to equalize the playing field.

With that all said and done, I do not know what to expect from the finale. The city is still in ruins and Slade still has an army under his command. Also if Oliver doesn't finish the fight before dawn, the entire city will be blown up in order to stop the mirakuru injected soldiers from leaving the city. To find out what happens in the finale and the conclusion of season 2 of Arrow, tune in next week. As always a preview of next episode is available below:

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Monday, 5 May 2014

Game of Thrones- First of his name

Another episode down and this show is more intense every week. This episode involved so much it was crazy. Daenerys has learnt that every slave has freed have now become re-enslaved, making her question her abilities to rule the iron throne. this then leads her to the decision to stay in Meereen and rule there for the time being and in king's landing, Tommen is named king.

Lord Peter Baelish and Sansa Stark arrive safely at the bloody gate. Sansa is pleased to finally be safe and in her aunts protection and is quickly settled in. We then watch as Lysa persuades Lord Bealish into marrying her by revealing information that he has previously convinced her to carry out his dirty work. Later that evening Lysa questions Sansa as to why Lord Baelish is so protective of her, implying that she has been sleeping with him. She quickly assures her that is not the case and is then told she will wed Lysa's son, Robin, realising that she has escaped one hell to be introduced to another.

Happy TV shows!

All in all this was an exciting epsiode! stay tuned for next week.

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Sunday, 4 May 2014

Arrow Season 2 Episode 21 - City of Blood

It is not surprising that Arrow delivers another good episode. However what is surprising is ability of the writers to produce great content whilst still being relatively faithful to the comics. This time the episode started with the funeral of Moira Queen who was previously murdered by Slade. It appears that Oliver has run away as he is not present at the funeral. Sebastian Blood (Brother Blood), now mayor after the death of Moira is at the funeral and gives Thea his condolences. It is here that Laurel feels that Sebastian has a ulterior plan for being present at the party. She asks her father to have a look into Sebastian's computer to find any evidence of foul play. They found out that the speech that Sebastian said when becoming mayor was written one day before the death of Moira, leading them to believe that Sebastian was in leagues with Slade.

Meanwhile, Diggle and Felicity find Oliver who is mourning after the death of his mother. He states that he has failed and that everything that he had, Slade has taken take away from him. He makes the decision to finish this and give himself up to Slade, ending this. While his crew disagree, Oliver is firm on that decision. However, before he can give himself up, he is shot with a sleeping dart. He wakes up back in the den with his team and Laurel surrounding him. Laurel tells Oliver that he cannot just give up and has to find a way to fight back. She also tells him that Blood is in league with Slade.

Oliver visits Blood for his celebratory dinner and both Oliver and Blood exchange identities (Oliver being Arrow and Blood being Brother Blood). Oliver and his team locate the place where Blood is making a super army and decide to take it down. Having reached the place, Oliver tries to destroy the place, however, he is detected and surrounded by the super soldiers. He shoots an arrow which brings part of the building down and than there is a fade to black.

This episode gave a very Batman vibe where the city has gone to ruin and the hero is outclassed and out numbered. This episode was also setting things up for the final two episodes which look to be great. I don't know if they are going to resolve the Deathstroke plot this season, but if they do, it will sadden me as he is such a good villain But, there is only one way to find out what's going to happen next and that is to watc hteh next episode of Arrow!!! To wet your appretise, there is a preview of the episode below.

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Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Game of Thrones- Enter the White walkers!

Cue Intense music!
In yesterday's episode of Game of thrones, we were given a little taste of whats to come with the impending doom of the White walkers. Of course when  i say we were given a taste, i literally mean a minute worth of footage at the very end of the episode, making me want to throw my remote at the screen in anticipation of next weeks episode, sorry not sorry mum and dad. 

We were also given some more screen time of Khaleesi, fantastic, she being my favourtie character. She continues to build her army and bring justice so those who bring injustice. Although her methods are a bit extreme, she continues to wow audiences with her strength and courage. she has definitely come along way from when she was first introduced as a scared and hopeless young lady.

Check out the preview for next week:

All in all it was a great episode and this show never seems to fail us. Now to try and keep myself busy until next week!

Happy TV Shows Kids
Yours truly,

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Arrow Season 2: Episode 20 - Seeing Red

Going into this episode, one could have guessed that this episode was going to be about Roy as he was heavily focused on in the preview. While this would have been great, Arrow generally does not do well when its focuses on secondary character. Hence it was a great relief that Roy was just a catalyst for other things.

Roy now pumped up with mirakuru was kept in Arrow's cave until he found a way to escape and caused havoc in Starling City. Having realised this, Arrow and Black Canary (Sarah) go after Roy, only to be overpowered and defeated. In the course of their fight Roy manages to break Oliver's leg. Thea having realised what happened to Roy lures him into Verdant (her nightclub) where Arrow stuns Roy using venom arrows. Sarah and Oliver have a fight and Sarah leaves Staling City saying that she cares "too much for him to be with him". It is uncertain as to whether Sarah has left the show for good or is going to come back later on in this season or in the next season.

The main focus of this episode was on Oliver's mother, Moira Queen. She is still struggling with her relationship with her daughter Thea and this struggle is not helped as Thea is sabotaging Moira's campaign for becoming city mayor. A suprising thing that we learnt is that Moira knew that Oliver was the Arrow which not only shocked us, the viewers, but also Oliver.

It wouldn't be Arrow if something shocking didn't happen in the end. When the Queen family finally gets together after the evens of the episode and Moira starts to open up to Thea, their car is ambushed and they crash. It is here that we realise that this was set up by Slade and he wants Oliver to choose who to save, his mother or his sister. Of course, Oliver is unable to choose and so Moira sacrifices herself.

After all that, the episode concludes leaving everyone with their mouths open. With only three episodes till the end of season, we are left wondering as to what is going to happen next. Will Slade get his revenge on Oliver? Will Oliver be able to save Starling City? Will Sarah return? These are questions that will hopefully be answered in the next episode. So tune in!!!!!! A preview of the next episode is available below:

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Monday, 21 April 2014

Arrow Season 2: Episode 19 - The Man Under the Hood

Well after last week's explosive episode, one could have hoped for a slowdown in the action. However, this being Arrow, action and drama doesn't stop. Last week we were left wondering what Laurel will do with the information that Oliver was the vigilante Arrow. What Laurel did was something most didn't predict. We were expecting Laurel to react badly to the fact that Oliver has been running around the city for a year as the Arrow, however, her reaction was surprisingly one of grace and acceptance.

Also in last week's episode, Thea learns that Merlyn was her father and as many expected she is not coping well with the situation. When Oliver brings some papers for her to sign in order to save their business, she rejects Oliver saying that she isn't a Queen. Even when Oliver tells her that her father (Oliver's dad) knew that she was Merlyn's daughter, he didn't care and still loved her, Thea wasn't moved by this information and stated that her father "was just a liar".

Slade infiltrates the Arrow's stronghold in order to obtain a skeleton key (a key that unlocks any door) in order to gain a device that will allow him to create an immortal army after Oliver and his gang destroyed the one in his possession at the start of the episode. A battle occurs in which Slade overpowers all of Oliver's gang and gets away without a scratch.

The last important detail we find out is that Oliver had the chance to save Slade on the island (flash backs) but he chose to kill him instead and that everything that is happening is his fault. So that's that. Another episode done, more secrets revealed and everything is building up to an explosive end to the season. How will Oliver and his crew defeat the immortal army of Sladse? Well in order to find out, you just have to tune in to the next episode!! A preview of episode 20 "Seeing Red" is available under:

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Saturday, 19 April 2014

Fresh Prince Of Bel - Air

If you’re looking for some comedy to see, than the Fresh Prince of Bel Air is the show for you. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is an American television sitcom that stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself as an irresponsible teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his wealthy aunt and uncle in their mansion with in Bel - Air, where his old lifestyle and affairs often clashes with the actions of his relatives.  Will smith a street smart teenager, the idea of him moving is to make him a mature and responsible individual, however he has other plans.  


The first episode of the series, Will meets his relatives while Wills Aunt Vivyan tries to mediate between her husband Philip and the newly arrived Will, as uncle Phil struggles to accommodate to the lifestyle will acquires. This causes a lot of disturbance and tension among the home as the family struggles to accommodate will.


Friday, 18 April 2014

The Fight for the Throne Continues!

Much to our excitement the most fabulous show to have graced our screens is back! Game of Thrones is THE show to watch and if you aren't already you had better start. This show is beautifully directed, Dealing with issues including social hierarchy, corruption, religion, lust and greed that are now relevant in society it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Now I know most of you are thinking that you outgrew dragons and mythical creatures after the release of the final Harry Potter movie, But i can tell you right now, the story line is so fantastically written that you will have a new found obsession after watching the first episode. With a whopping IMDb rating of 9.5, the show speaks for itself and is just screaming to be watched.

With the release of the fourth season, Popular franchises such as Gelato Messina are getting into the spirit releasing new flavours for a limited time only, so get into the spirit and try them while you can!

I'm telling you kids, this show will make you're not so awesome lives, be as exciting as can be in anticipation for the next episode released every Monday and if you want in with all the cool kids than this is the topic you want to be bringing to the table. No, I'm just messing you're alright kid.

I'm Serena, bringing you all things Game of Thrones.
Until Next time,
Happy TV Shows.


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Arrow Season 2: Episode 18 - Deathstroke

Arrow unleashes its most powerful episode

After two mediocre episodes, Arrow finally released an episode that could be considered as its best to date. Stakes are raised as Slade (Deathstroke) out-maneuvers Oliver (the Arrow) in every step. Slade hits Oliver where it hurts by kidnapping his sister Thea only to release her later with the knowledge that her real farther is actually Malcolm Merlyn (the villain of Season 1). This is information that Oliver had been hiding from Thea and now that she knows, she distrusts Oliver. Than Slade proceeds to tell Laurel of Oliver's identify as Arrow which makes her the first civilian to know of his identity. This is especially important as Laurel believes that it was the Arrow's fault that led to the death of her boyfriend's death. 

All these factors and with Oliver losing his company makes the situation from bad to worse. Everything that could have gone wrong for Oliver went wrong in this episode and viewers are left wondering on how things are going to improve for our favourite superhero.What will Laurel do? What will Slade do next? Will Oliver be able to recover from this? These are the questions that will hopefully be answered in this Thursday's episode titled "The Man Under the Hood". Well one thing is certain, whatever happens, it will be epic! A preview for the next episode is shown below:

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Monday, 14 April 2014


We are group 6 of Prac class 16 and as part of our second assignment, we have chosen to blog about TV Shows. The main reason for this is because everyone in our group is passionate about TV shows and are willing to share their thoughts on their favourate TV shows - both past and current. From our group,

  • Shoaib Naveed will be focusing on Arrow (2012-present, CW Network)
  • Serena Sabsabi will be focusing on Game of Thrones. (2011-present, HBO)
  • Omar Shadid will be focusing on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.(1990-1996, NBC)

Layout of blog: