In yesterday's episode of Game of thrones, we were given a little taste of whats to come with the impending doom of the White walkers. Of course when i say we were given a taste, i literally mean a minute worth of footage at the very end of the episode, making me want to throw my remote at the screen in anticipation of next weeks episode, sorry not sorry mum and dad.
We were also given some more screen time of Khaleesi, fantastic, she being my favourtie character. She continues to build her army and bring justice so those who bring injustice. Although her methods are a bit extreme, she continues to wow audiences with her strength and courage. she has definitely come along way from when she was first introduced as a scared and hopeless young lady.
Check out the preview for next week:
All in all it was a great episode and this show never seems to fail us. Now to try and keep myself busy until next week!
Going into this episode, one could have guessed that this episode was going to be about Roy as he was heavily focused on in the preview. While this would have been great, Arrow generally does not do well when its focuses on secondary character. Hence it was a great relief that Roy was just a catalyst for other things.
Roy now pumped up with mirakuru was kept in Arrow's cave until he found a way to escape and caused havoc in Starling City. Having realised this, Arrow and Black Canary (Sarah) go after Roy, only to be overpowered and defeated. In the course of their fight Roy manages to break Oliver's leg. Thea having realised what happened to Roy lures him into Verdant (her nightclub) where Arrow stuns Roy using venom arrows. Sarah and Oliver have a fight and Sarah leaves Staling City saying that she cares "too much for him to be with him". It is uncertain as to whether Sarah has left the show for good or is going to come back later on in this season or in the next season.
The main focus of this episode was on Oliver's mother, Moira Queen. She is still struggling with her relationship with her daughter Thea and this struggle is not helped as Thea is sabotaging Moira's campaign for becoming city mayor. A suprising thing that we learnt is that Moira knew that Oliver was the Arrow which not only shocked us, the viewers, but also Oliver.
It wouldn't be Arrow if something shocking didn't happen in the end. When the Queen family finally gets together after the evens of the episode and Moira starts to open up to Thea, their car is ambushed and they crash. It is here that we realise that this was set up by Slade and he wants Oliver to choose who to save, his mother or his sister. Of course, Oliver is unable to choose and so Moira sacrifices herself.
After all that, the episode concludes leaving everyone with their mouths open. With only three episodes till the end of season, we are left wondering as to what is going to happen next. Will Slade get his revenge on Oliver? Will Oliver be able to save Starling City? Will Sarah return? These are questions that will hopefully be answered in the next episode. So tune in!!!!!! A preview of the next episode is available below:
References: Picture from: Information: Video from:
Well after last week's explosive episode, one could have hoped for a slowdown in the action. However, this being Arrow, action and drama doesn't stop. Last week we were left wondering what Laurel will do with the information that Oliver was the vigilante Arrow. What Laurel did was something most didn't predict. We were expecting Laurel to react badly to the fact that Oliver has been running around the city for a year as the Arrow, however, her reaction was surprisingly one of grace and acceptance.
Also in last week's episode, Thea learns that Merlyn was her father and as many expected she is not coping well with the situation. When Oliver brings some papers for her to sign in order to save their business, she rejects Oliver saying that she isn't a Queen. Even when Oliver tells her that her father (Oliver's dad) knew that she was Merlyn's daughter, he didn't care and still loved her, Thea wasn't moved by this information and stated that her father "was just a liar".
Slade infiltrates the Arrow's stronghold in order to obtain a skeleton key (a key that unlocks any door) in order to gain a device that will allow him to create an immortal army after Oliver and his gang destroyed the one in his possession at the start of the episode. A battle occurs in which Slade overpowers all of Oliver's gang and gets away without a scratch.
The last important detail we find out is that Oliver had the chance to save Slade on the island (flash backs) but he chose to kill him instead and that everything that is happening is his fault. So that's that. Another episode done, more secrets revealed and everything is building up to an explosive end to the season. How will Oliver and his crew defeat the immortal army of Sladse? Well in order to find out, you just have to tune in to the next episode!! A preview of episode 20 "Seeing Red" is available under:
Video from:
If you’re looking for some comedy to see, than the Fresh Prince
of Bel Air is the show for you. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is an American
television sitcom that stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself
as an irresponsible teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with
his wealthy aunt and uncle in their mansion with in Bel - Air, where his old lifestyle
and affairs often clashes with the actions of his relatives. Will smith a street smart teenager, the idea
of him moving is to make him a mature and responsible individual, however he
has other plans.
The first episode of the series, Will meets his relatives
while Wills Aunt Vivyan tries to mediate between her husband Philip and the
newly arrived Will, as uncle Phil struggles to accommodate to the lifestyle
will acquires. This causes a lot of disturbance and tension among the home as
the family struggles to accommodate will.
Much to our excitement the most fabulous show to have graced our screens is back! Game of Thrones is THE show to watch and if you aren't already you had better start. This show is beautifully directed, Dealing with issues including social hierarchy, corruption, religion, lust and greed that are now relevant in society it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Now I know most of you are thinking that you outgrew dragons and mythical creatures after the release of the final Harry Potter movie, But i can tell you right now, the story line is so fantastically written that you will have a new found obsession after watching the first episode. With a whopping IMDb rating of 9.5, the show speaks for itself and is just screaming to be watched.
With the release of the fourth season, Popular franchises such as Gelato Messina are getting into the spirit releasing new flavours for a limited time only, so get into the spirit and try them while you can!
I'm telling you kids, this show will make you're not so awesome lives, be as exciting as can be in anticipation for the next episode released every Monday and if you want in with all the cool kids than this is the topic you want to be bringing to the table. No, I'm just messing you're alright kid.
I'm Serena, bringing you all things Game of Thrones.
Until Next time,
Happy TV Shows.
References Photo: Hyperlink to website:
After two mediocre episodes, Arrow finally released an episode that could be considered as its best to date. Stakes are raised as Slade (Deathstroke) out-maneuvers Oliver (the Arrow) in every step. Slade hits Oliver where it hurts by kidnapping his sister Thea only to release her later with the knowledge that her real farther is actually Malcolm Merlyn (the villain of Season 1). This is information that Oliver had been hiding from Thea and now that she knows, she distrusts Oliver. Than Slade proceeds to tell Laurel of Oliver's identify as Arrow which makes her the first civilian to know of his identity. This is especially important as Laurel believes that it was the Arrow's fault that led to the death of her boyfriend's death.
All these factors and with Oliver losing his company makes the situation from bad to worse. Everything that could have gone wrong for Oliver went wrong in this episode and viewers are left wondering on how things are going to improve for our favourite superhero.What will Laurel do? What will Slade do next? Will Oliver be able to recover from this? These are the questions that will hopefully be answered in this Thursday's episode titled "The Man Under the Hood". Well one thing is certain, whatever happens, it will be epic! A preview for the next episode is shown below:
We are group 6 of Prac class 16 and as part of our second assignment, we have chosen to blog about TV Shows. The main reason for this is because everyone in our group is passionate about TV shows and are willing to share their thoughts on their favourate TV shows - both past and current. From our group,
Shoaib Naveed will be focusing on Arrow (2012-present, CW Network)
Serena Sabsabi will be focusing on Game of Thrones. (2011-present, HBO)
Omar Shadid will be focusing on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.(1990-1996, NBC)